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Capacity and sites expansion in GSM
Physical expansion may be carried out if the present physical recourses are insufficient to cater to the expected rise in traffic, and parameter settings alone cannot provide sufficient capacity. Physical expansion requires additional hardware to be made available in the form of addition of a new antenna, or moving of a COW (Cell Site On Wheels) to the venue.
For the Raiwind Ijtama, to provide dedicated coverage and capacity at RF end, two COWs (Cells on Wheels) were planned and acquired at strategic locations. COW1 was planned as 8/8 dual sector configuration. COW2 was equipped as 8/8/8 configuration. Due to very high TCH utilization of COWs in the first session, an additional sector was added to COW1 making a configuration of 8/8/8.
A grand total of 58,000 Erlang was catered during the course of the event with a DCR of less than 2%, average BH TCH blocking of 6% and average BH SD blocking of 36%.
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