This article is about general and technical requirements for Training Requirements and Topics Discussed used in Integrated Automation System or Building Automation System.




      1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
      2. Specifications throughout all Divisions of the Project Manual are directly applicable to this Section, and this Section is directly applicable to them.
      3. Refer to Section 25 00 00 – Integrated Automation System (IAS) General for definitions and abbreviations.

      1. Contractor shall provide instruction to operating personnel in accordance with this Section.
        1. Instruct the owner and their operating personnel in proper starting sequences, operation, shut down, and maintenance procedures, including normal and emergency procedures.
        2. Provide all equipment and materials required for classroom and field training.

      1. The Contractor shall provide a detailed syllabus to the owner for review and approval <14 calendar days> prior to training.
      2. The Contractor shall provide O&M manuals to the individuals to be trained <7 calendar days> prior to training.
      3. The Contractor shall provide a Training Manual that address training specific items that are not contained in the O&M manuals. This may include manufacture specific training documents used to train technicians in the installation, service, and configurations of field components such as sensors and devices, network controllers and DDC controllers. Material may include sample projects, tests, or exercises used to demonstrate project specific trouble shooting or service techniques.
      4. <Video Recording hardware and software shall meet the latest industry standards pertaining to format and media. The hardware and software use to video capture shall have the following features.>
        1. Shall be able to produce a streaming video with audio on a DVD in MPEG or AVI formats. DVD format must be compatible with all home and computer based DVD players.
        2. Software shall allow for editing of video and the additions of transitions, headers and text to the video.
      5. Owner shall provide sufficient quantity of computers for the number of personal to be trained. Contractor shall assist with the connection of these PCs to the IAS FAC LAN.
      6. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing an onsite projection device and screen to be connected to a computer which is on the IAS FAC LAN network for training purposes.
      7. Training room will be onsite and provided by the owner.

    1. Training shall be performed by qualified staff with previous training experience. Qualified staff must be certified in the programming of the projects DDC controllers and shall be experts on the configuration, use, and applications associated with the GUI. The contractor shall have the lead programmer(s), which have been assigned to this job for the development of the DDC and GUI databases and applications, onsite to provide an overview of the system and to address project specific questions pertaining to how the sequences were actually programmed and to address other site specific programming and operational issues.
    2. All training performed shall reference site-specific installation examples whenever possible. Training shall utilize specified manuals, as-built documentation, and all available on-line help utilities.
    3. All software related training and equipment overview shall utilize interactive overhead computer screen projection equipment. The Contractor shall utilize the GUI for system training to illustrate control procedures, sequences, and operation of equipment. The contractor shall provide the capabilities to train a minimum of <five (5)> operating staff using networked PCs provided by the owner which are of similar style and processing capabilities as the specified User Interface Hardware.
    4. Provide training syllabus, product literature, and training manuals for each individual being trained.
    5. <All onsite training must be video recorded onto digital media in DVD format,> this includes classroom as well as field training. This recording must be done using professional equipment and using software allowing editing of the DVD into a final professional finish including such features as fading in and out of scenes, audio adjusting, contrast and picture quality modifications, and the addition of backgrounds, titles, and descriptive text. A tripod shall be used for all onsite filming. Provide owner with <3 copies> of all training sessions on common DVD format compatible with all home DVD players and PC DVD drives. In addition an MPEG, AVI or other compatible format of this video shall be stored on the IAS control systems server. A hotlink from the GUI’s menu tree shall link the end user to this file and the system shall be configured to automatically launch the appropriate media player and shall play this training video on the IAS workstation via the GUI.
    6. If the owner’s staff to be trained cannot all attend a single scheduled training session due to work schedules or shift work then, at the owner’s option, the required training hours and topics can be split between two or more days as required to meet the needs of the owner’s staff.
    7. If all hours denoted to training are not used the owner reserves the right to apply these hours to perform additional software optimization assistance.

    1. The contractor shall provide <thirty-two 32 hours> of training as defined in this specification.
    2. The contractor shall provide training in accordance with the construction schedule. Training shall occur at a scheduled time encompassing all items identified in these specifications. Continual onsite training throughout the construction project shall not be accepted.
    3. Provide a detailed walk-through of the building, including identification of all controlled equipment and condensed demonstration of portable and built-in operator interface device display capabilities.
    4. Provide a detailed overview of the various parts of the O&M Manuals, including hardware and software programming and operating publications, catalog data, controls installation drawings, and DDC programming documentation.
    5. Demonstration of workstation menu penetration and broad overview of the various workstation features.
    6. Present all Site-specific point naming conventions and points lists, open protocol information, configuration databases, back-up sequences, upload/download procedures, and other information as necessary to maintain the integrity of the IAS.
    7. Upon completion of the system construction the contractor shall proceed with finial training. This contractor shall  provide training that is comprised of the following components:
      1. General Field Training – (to be performed in the field)
        1. Niagara N4 Network Controllers
        2. DCP Panel locations and number assignments
        3. Equipment associated with each panel
        4. Physical sensor locations
        5. Conduit and wiring paths
        6. System Network Architecture <LonWorks, MODBUS, BACnet, DALI>
        7. <Pneumatic and> Digital components
        8. Equipment Interface Modules (gateways, communication cards, etc)
        9. <Lighting Zone Assignment
        10. Lighting Equipment locations
        11. Switch locations and function assignments
        12. Lighting sensors locations and function
        13. Lighting Sequence of Operations>
        14. <Other>
      2. Equipment training as it pertains to each piece of equipment to discuss tolerances, accuracy, resolution, maintenance, replacement, daily operation, equipment function and performance, etc.
        1. Sensors
        2. Actuators
        3. Transducers
        4. Power Supplies
        5. Terminating Resistors
        6. Cable types
        7. Network Equipment (switches, UPS, routers, etc)
        8. <Other>
      3. Field Controllers (DDC) – Training as it pertains to the operation and configuration of controllers. Address as a minimum the following:
        1. Access to the controller via integral user interface or via remote user interface.
        2. System password entry and modification
        3. Viewing system variables and parameters
        4. Viewing, changing, or modifying system configurations, setpoints, parameters, variables, etc.
        5. Required interface cables and connectors
        6. User buttons and displays
        7. Power requirements
        8. Viewing other controllers across the network
        9. Uploading/Downloading and backing up programs
        10. Review of setpoint optimization and fine-tuning control loops
        11. <Other>
      4. System Operation and Maintenance:
        1. Sequence of operation for each piece of equipment and system
        2. Sequence dependent variables
        3. Global variables
        4. Modes of operation
        5. Configurable setpoints and properties
        6. Trouble shooting of equipment, sensors and components
        7. Sensor replacement techniques
        8. <Ballast replacement techniques>
        9. Means and Methods for replacing all devices and required configuration and addressing methods
        10. Maintenance procedures and durations as defined in the O&M manuals
        11. <Other>
      5. <LonWorks, MODBUS, BACnet and/or DALI> overview:
        1. <LonWorks Network Variables (NVI, NVO, NCI)>
        2. <BACnet Objects (AI, AO, BI, BO)>
        3. <DALI Variables>
        4. <MODBUS Registers>
        5. Protocol transmission and receive rules
        6. <Protocol analyzer training>
        7. Network traffic analysis
        8. <Other>
      6. IAS local network equipment:
        1. Workstations
        2. Server
        3. UPS
        4. Switch, Routers, Repeaters
        5. <Other>
      7. Network Infrastructure Training:
        1. Niagara N4 Network Controller operation and maintenance
        2. <LONWORKS, BACnet or DALI> Network Management Systems
        3. <DALI gateway>
        4. <MODBUS, BACnet, DALI and/or LONWORKS >
        5. Integrated system operation
        6. Network router and/or switch operation
        7. <Other>
      8. Supervisor training shall include using the on-site User Interface Workstation encompassing as a minimum:
        1. Password assignment/modification
        2. Operator assignment/modification
        3. Operator authority assignment/modification
        4. Point disable/enable
        5. Terminal and data segregation/modification
        6. Alarm notification assignments/modification/acknowledgement
        7. Sign on – sign off
        8. WAN access via web-browser
        9. Purge and/or dump of historical data
        10. Scheduling
        11. Modifying warning limits, alarm limits and start-stop times
        12. System initialization
        13. Alarm acknowledgement
        14. <Other>
      9. Niagara N4 Network controller training shall include as a minimum:
        1. Software review of Sequence of Operation and flowcharts
        2. Modification of control programs, basic programming
        3. Use of network management diagnostics
        4. System maintenance procedures
        5. Review of initialization
        6. Network management
        7. <Other>
  • Training deliverables

    1. At time of training the contractor shall deliver the following items and train on the following topics.
      1. Fully Licensed copy of the application programming tool used by the manufacture’s field technicians for DDC controller programming and configuration. Basic training on the use of that tool.
      2. Specified remote GUI interface devices. Provide training on the use of that equipment.
      3. All system user names and passwords including passwords to admin level rights.
      4. <Two unrestricted copies of the DDC database>. Provide training on how to perform future backups of this database.
      5. <Two unrestricted copies of the GUI database>. Provide training on how to perform future backups of this database.
      6. Approved O&M manuals, Training Material, and As-built documentation.
      7. <Video of training session shall be provided to the owner with in 14 calendar days from the completion of training>.





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