Travel Time Indicator TTI Inspection and Testing


Verify TTI installation location.
Verify that all power connections include a quick disconnect.
Verify installation of grounding and surge protection.
Verify power supply is properly sized and installed on DIN rail.
Verify output of power supply.


Verify type of conduit used to run cables and proper termination techniques on each end.
Verify that conduits enter cabinets through bottom (preferred) or side (alternative)
Verify that all cable entrances are sealed and waterproof.
Verify that all drilled holes for installing cabling in mounting structures must be free of burrs and sharp edges.
Verify that all signal cables are continuous and unspliced.
Verify that each cable utilizes a unique color tape on each end that is resistant to fading due to UV exposure.


Verify that antenna signal cables are terminated to the correct ports for EB and WB directions as well as GP and Express lanes.
Verify that reader is a CDOT-approved model and properly installed.
Verify that the coaxial cable connector on the cable is appropriate for the antenna without the use of adapters.
Verify antenna mounting height and orientation for intersecting with oncoming traffic at a 45-degree angle.
Verify that antenna is aimed at the center of the appropriate lane per CDOT requirements.
Verify that coaxial cable is sized appropriately for the run length and corresponding signal attenuation.
Test coaxial cable with RF tester and record results.  Attenuation loss shall conform to CDOT’s dB requirements.
Verify that installation is reading the RFID protocols of different ExpressToll tags.
Verify that Python software is operational.

Serial Configuration

Confirm serial configuration required by the manufacturer is being utilized: bitrate, data bits, parity, stop bits, and flow control.

Accuracy Testing

Is the number of tag reads from Express lane(s) picked up by GP antennas > 0?  If yes, re-aim antennas and test again.
Is the number of tag reads from GP lanes picked up by Express lane antennas > 0?  If yes, re-aim antennas and test again.
Is the number of tag reads from Express lane within +/- 10% of the actual number of that pass through?
Is the number of tag reads from GP lane within +/- 10% of the actual number of that pass through?

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