ACI 209R-92 Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures

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ACI 209R-92 Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures


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 This book is offering details as mentioned following chapter wise.

In First Chapter of this book offers Material Introduction, What is Strength and elastic properties, Describe Theory for predicting creep and shrinkage of concrete, Recommended creep and shrinkage equations for standard conditions, Making Correction factors for conditions other than the standard concrete composition, Mentioning Correction factors for concrete composition Example, Other methods for prediction of creep and shrinkage, Thermal expansion coefficient of concrete, Standards cited in this report.

In 2nd Chapter of this book includes information What are Factors affecting the structural response assumptions and describing methods of analysis Introduction, Principal facts and assumptions explanation, Simplified methods of creep analysis, Effect of cracking in reinforced and prestressed members, Effective compression steel in flexural members, Deflections due to warping, Interdependency between steel relaxation, creep and shrinkage of concrete. 

In 3rd Chapter of this book covers Response of structures due to creep, Negligible shrinkage and temperature, Introduction, reinforced concrete beam and slab deflection, shored and unshored constructions of composite precast reinforced beams, Loss of prestress and camber in noncomposite prestressed beams, Loss of prestress and camber of composite pre-cast and prestressed-beams unshored and shored constructions Example, What is Deflection of reinforced concrete flat plates and two-way slabs, Time-dependent shear deflection of reinforced concrete beam, deflections types Comparison of measured and computed , cambers and prestress losses using procedures in this chapter.

In 4th Chapter of this book is comprehensive guide to Response of structures with significant time change of stress, Concrete aging and the age-adjusted effective modulus method, a sudden deformation results Stress relaxation, slowly-imposed deformation results Stress relaxation, what are effects of change of statical system, Creep buckling deflections of an eccentrically compressed member, Two cantilevers of unequal age connected at time by a hinge, loss of compression in slab and deflection of a steel-concrete composite beam.

In 5th Chapter of this book describes EVELOPMENT AND SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT.

In 6th Chapter of this book develops ACI 209R-92 Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures.





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