Conduit Storage, Handling and Preservation in Projects

This article is about Conduit Storage, Handling and Preservation in Projects for commercial buildings, plants and refinery projects as per international codes and standards.

Conduit Storage, Handling and Preservation in Projects

A procedure for handling, storage, and preservation of conduits shall be issued and approved before material arrives on the jobsite.
Material Handling personnel (i.e., individuals responsible for handling, storage and preservation) shall have ready access to and full knowledge of requirements in the approved procedure for conduits.
The approved procedure (for handling, storage, and preservation of conduits) shall be fully implemented by the CONTRACTOR as material arrives and is stored on the jobsite.
Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit (GRC): The recommended number of pieces of Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit (10 foot lengths) in a master bundle of each trade size, ½ inch through 6 inch, is shown in Attachment 1, Table 1-1.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and NEMA RN2 Sec. 1.1.1]
Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): The recommended number of pieces of Electrical Metallic Tubing (10 foot lengths) in a master bundle of each trade size, ½ inch through 4 inch, is shown in Attachment 2, Table 1-3.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and NEMA RN2 Sec. 1.1.3]
Construction of Bundles for Steel Conduit (RGS or EMT) – Master bundles should be secured with at least two bands of steel strapping meeting the requirements of ASTM D3953-83*, Specifications for Flat Steel Strap and Connectors.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and NEMA RN 2 Sec. 2.1]
Number of Pieces Per Master Bundle for PVC Conduit – The recommended number of pieces of EPC-40 PVC electrical conduit (10 ft lengths) in a master bundle of each trade size, ½ in. through 6 in., is shown in Attachment 3, Table 3-1.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and NEMA TC18 Sec. 3.1]
Construction of Bundles for PVC Conduit – Master bundles of PVC conduit should be secured with at least two bands of steel strapping meeting the requirements of ASTM D3953-83.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and NEMA TC18 Sec 4.1]
General Handling and Storage – Make sure conduit materials are stable when storing or handling. Contractor shall utilize suitable lifting equipment for heavy lifts. Manual handling/lifting of smaller bundles of conduit (i.e., bundles of 10 or less) shall be applied at a minimum of two points by qualified personnel.
[NFPA 70, NEC Art. 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Handling – Conduit bundles and accessories packaging shall be checked for damage by store yard personnel prior to acceptance of shipment, unloading, or handling.  No visible shipping or handling damage. [NFPA 70, NEC Art. 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Handling – Shipper and receiving store yard personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer’s special handling instructions (if provided on the conduit purchase documents) prior to unloading or handling.  [NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Handling – Manufacturer’s special handling instructions (if provided on the conduit purchase documents) shall be followed. 
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Handling – Transport conduits by methods in accordance manufacturer’s instructions to avoid product damage; deliver in undamaged condition in manufacturer’s  packaging, dry.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Handling – Provide equipment and personnel to handle conduits by methods in accordance to manufacturer’s instructions to prevent soiling or damage.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Conduit Removal –  Remove conduit from a stack from the ends of the stock.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Unloading – Unload conduits so that personnel are not exposed to the unsecured load.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Taglines – Use taglines when working with conduits.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
PVC-coated rigid steel conduit shall be handled in a manner that prevents injury to the PVC coating by stones and any other material.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Store conduits in a planned and orderly manner that does not endanger employee safety. Ensure stacks and tiers are stable and stacked to aid safe handling and loading.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Do not store conduits under power lines or where materials may block egress or emergency equipment.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage –  Conduits shall be stored in a clean, dry and secure location. Especially avoid places where water might accumulate or where significant dust or dirt is present. If such a location is not available, materials shall be stored on pallets or other means to rise above the floor and possible water levels, and wrapped in protective plastic sheeting at both ends of the bundle.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Observe warning and stacking instructions on packing or shipping materials, equipment shall be stacked or otherwise stored to prevent damage.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Arrange deliveries of conduits and accessories in accordance with Construction Progress Schedule.
(NFPA 70, NEC Art. 110.3(B), manufacturer’s instructions)
General Storage – Storage shall be organized with essential information to such as project destination, job tags, or labels for easy reference and access.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Should any event such as water leaks occurs, that could damage stored materials, the affected material shall be re-inspected for damage and necessary replacement shall be obtained.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Store conduits and accessories in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. [NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Arrange storage to provide access for inspection at all times. Periodically inspect to assure conduits are free from damage or deterioration, and are maintained under required conditions.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Store packaged or bundled conduits and accessories in original and undamaged condition with manufacturer’s seal and labels intact. Do not remove from packaging or bundling until required in Work.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – All equipment and materials that could be damaged or deteriorate from exposure to the elements shall be stored indoors, off the ground in suitable warehousing. Storage shall offer full protection from outside elements and shall be properly ventilated.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Store conduits in manner to prevent damage, adulteration, deterioration and soiling and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions when applicable.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Stacking –  Place steel conduit bar stock in racks or stack and block them on a firm, level surface to prevent spreading, rolling, or falling. Use either a pyramided or battened stack. Step back battened stacks at least one unit per tier and securely chock them on both sides of the stack.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Storing Materials Indoor – Access – Place or store materials so they do not interfere with access ways, doorways, electrical panels, fire extinguishers, or hoistways. Do not obstruct access ways or exits with accumulations of scrap or materials. Aisles must be wide enough to accommodate forklifts or firefighting equipment.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Floor Loading. Conspicuously post load limits in all storage areas, except for floors or slabs on grade.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
General Storage – Buildings Under Construction. Store conduits inside buildings under construction at least 6 feet away from any hoistway or inside floor openings, and 10 feet away from an exterior wall that does not extend above the top of the material stored.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Material Preservation –  PVC-coated rigid steel conduit shall be stored in a manner that prevents injury to the PVC coating by stones and any other material.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Material Preservation – Touch-up damaged factory finished surfaces. Use touch-up materials to match original. Do not paint over markings or labels.
[NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Plastic (e.g., PVC) materials suitable for direct-burial shall be stored on flat surface to prevent curvature.  [NFPA 70, NEC 110.3(B) and Manufacturer’s Instructions]
Plastic (e.g., PVC) materials not identified as “sunlight resistant” shall be stored in areas shaded from direct sunlight.  [NFPA 70, NEC 110.11]

International Codes & Standards

1. NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC), 2008 Edition
2. SAES-P-104 – Wiring Methods and Materials, January 2008
3. SAES-P-100 – Basic Power System Design Criteria, June 2007
4. NEMA RN2 – Packaging of Master Bundles for Steel Rigid Conduit, Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) and Electrical Metallic Tubing, 2001
5. NEMA TC 18 – Packaging of Master Bundles for EPC-40 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduit, 2004

Attachment 1: Table 1-1 Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit – Master Bubdle Quantity – NEMA RN 2

Attachment 1: Table 1-1 Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit - Master Bubdle Quantity - NEMA RN 2

Attachment 2: Table 1-3 Steel Electrical Metallic Tubing – Master Bundle Quantity – NEMA RN 2

Table 1-3 Steel Electrical Metallic Tubing - Master Bundle Quantity - NEMA RN 2

Attachment 3: Table 3-1 EPC-40 PVC Conduit – NEMA TC 18

Attachment 3: Table 3-1 EPC-40 PVC Conduit - NEMA TC 18

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