Data Center Design Setup Standards and Notes

The purpose of this procedure is to provide Data Center Design Setup standard for Data Center Service customers depends on their requirements like: Size, availability, number of users, no of racks and servers, power,…etc.

Data Center Design setup standards to make the DCS Customer Data center capable of hosting their systems as per their defined requirements above.

Data Center Design Setup Standards and Notes

Data Center is “a building or potion of building whose primary function is to house a computer room and its support areas”. according to TIA 942 standard.

Data Centers Classifications

Data center classification is a practice that ensure required service level agreement and business requirement are ensured in the area where solutions
will be hosted. 

Data Center Design Setup Standards and Notes
Data Center Design Setup Standards and Notes

2. Location of Data Center

 While choose location for Data Center, these things need to be consider:

o Space for now and for future expansion.
o Access and proximity to cable pathways.
o Telecom provider requirements.
o Proximity to electrical service.
o HVAC equipment issues.
o Electrical equipment issues.
o Adjacency to operations center.
o Adjacency to elevator (s) and/or loading dock.

 While choose location for Data Center, these things need to be avoid:

o Water Infiltration.
o Steam Infiltration.
o High humidity from nearby sources.
o Heat (e.g., direct sunlight).
o Adjacency requiring access through other areas.
o Potential for flooding (or below water table).
o Close to vibration sources.
o Close to Electromagnetic, Radio Frequency or any other interference.
o Data Center location recommendation (TIA 942 standard recommend):

Building New Data Center Design & TIA 942

Data Center Components Standards

Area, size and Construction:-

o Data Center have 3 areas: Server room, Utilities rooms and Staff area.
o There are several ways of calculating Server room net space required taking into consideration Data center classification:

 Based on number of racks, servers and predicted footprint of  solutions to be hosted taking into consideration future growth. See table below:

 If Number of racks is unknown, number of employees can be used to determine net space required for Server room. See table below:

 In the absence of all good measures, ITS datacenter take no responsibility of sizing. Risk of Datacenter room must be carried by requester. Please notice minimum Datacenter accepted to ITS datacenter is not less than 100 M2 (Square) with net height of 3m. This considering server room and supported Area .

This space can accommodate ten racks which is designed for affiliate standards need. Business owner / requester should agree on future requirement may require Data Center expansions. Server room dimensions should not be less than 50 M2 (Square) with net height of 3m.

 Utilities rooms to host UPS, fire suppression systems and others as such. The size should be proportional to net Data center space and adequate enough to host all equipments required. See below schedule:

o Minimum of requirements for affiliates / SBU Operator room accepted is 16 m² (Square) within Data Center with fire rated glass windows overlooking the Center. The AC Power at this office area should be adequate for office work. For the safety of staff, operator room should have emergency exit door to a safe place.

o Staff area minimum accepted size is 4 m² (Square) (I.e. Storage, staging,  loading, Lab, staff, meeting rooms ) should be proportional to net Data center space.  

o Data Center building should be constructed with fire proof and explosion proof walls
o All partition walls should be fire-rated with a minimum of 2-hour fire resisting rating.

o Prepare the Data Center with a fire-rated light-weight false ceiling with a minimum of 2-hour fire resistance rating. The ceiling should not generate any dust.

Data Center Installation Requirements

  • Raised Floor and tiles
  • Electrical Requirements
  • Fire Suppression Systems
  • Air Conditioning Requirements

Disaster Recovery Site Classifications

a. Cold Sites

A cold site is the most inexpensive type of backup site for an organization to operate. It does not include backed up copies of data and information from the original location of the organization, nor does it include hardware already set up. The lack of hardware contributes to the minimal startup costs of the cold site, but requires additional time following the disaster to have the operation running at a capacity close to that prior to the disaster.

Recommended TIER rating would be a minimum of Tier 1.

b. Warm Sites

A warm site is a location where the organization can relocate to after the disruption that is already stocked with computer hardware similar to that of the original site, but does not contain backed up copies of data and information. It may or may not have the same capacity as the original site depending on the organization’s requirements. Data will have to be restored onto the equipment at this site before activities can re-commence. 

Recommended TIER rating would be a minimum of Tier 2 -3 depending on the critical data that is backed up, the load factor / number of servers, etc.  

c. Hot Sites

A hot site is a duplicate of the original site of the organization, with full computer systems as well as near-complete backups of user data. Real time
synchronization between the two sites may be used to completely mirror the data environment of the original site using wide area network links
and specialized software.

Following a disruption to the original site, the hot site exists so that the organization can relocate with minimal losses to normal operations. Ideally, a hot site will be up and running within a matter of hours or even less. Personnel may still have to be moved to the hot site so it is possible that the hot site may be operational from a data processing perspective before staff has relocated. The capacity of the hot site may or may not match the capacity of the original site depending on the organizations requirements.

Recommended TIER rating would be Similar to that of the production environment.

Networking Requirements for Data Center

14. Environment Monitoring System

Provide Data Center, Communication Room and UPS Room with a facility monitoring system located at the Operations area. The monitoring system should reflect:-

o Status of power.
o Status of temperature and humidity.
o Status of the Fire Fighting system.
o Status of the water detection system.
o Status of doors access.
o The system should have clear audible and visual alarms.
o Tools used in Data Center:

15. Design Documentation and Manuals

Prepare and provide a full documentation of Data Center design and setup. The documentation shall be provided in 2 softcopies as well as three hardcopies. The documentation includes:-

o Power schematics diagrams depicting all installed circuits.

o LAN cabling diagram in the Computer Center.
o Specs of all systems included in the Computer Center with their operational information.
o Support information for each system in the Computer Center.
o All systems warranties shall be extended to IT Services. Warranty documents shall be handed to IT Services by the end of the project.
o Operations manuals of all installed equipment shall be handed to SS prior to the end of project. Operational information of installed equipment shall be passed to IT Services representative(s).

Minimum Requirement for a Standard Data Center

Electrical Requirements for Data Center

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