Electrical Field Test for industrial Batteries and Battery Charger.

Testing industrial batteries and battery chargers in the field is essential to ensure they are operating correctly and can provide reliable power when needed.

Electrical Field Test for industrial Batteries and Battery Charger.

Visual Checking for Batteries and Battery Charger.

1. Battery racks and battery cells installed dry per SAES standards and IEEE-484.
2. Battery room is in compliance with all Standard and applicable standards and design.
3. Battery tools and all required safety equipment is provided and readily available.
4. Sufficient quantity of battery electrolyte available to fill all battery cells.
5. Batteries and racks installed and checked for proper mechanical installation, including mechanical connections and grounding.
6. Battery charger checked for proper installation, wiring is complete and properly connected and torqued to manufacturer’s specifications.
7. Accessory equipment such as hydrometer, thermometer, special wrenches and spare electrolyte accounted for.
8. Batteries, battery racks and charger cleaned. Terminals and inter-connectors covered with protective coating (grease).
9. Safety eyewash is available and operating properly and protective clothing provided.
10. Charger operates in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Current output, charging voltage (float and boost) and operation of control components checked.
11. Batteries filled with electrolyte to proper level and charged in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
12. Lead acid batteries checked with hydrometer for correct specific gravity.

NOTE: Batteries shall not be filled until the battery charger is ready for operation. Initial charge is critical and requires full procedure and documentation. When batteries are placed in service while work is still being performed around them, protection should be provided.

Metal objects laid or dropped on them could cause a short or an explosion. Tarpaulin, plastic sheet or similar material should not be used, because batteries in service require ventilation.

Electrical Field Test for Batteries and Battery Charger.

1. Check out and verify proper operation of battery charger with vendor-supplied instructions.
2. Set and verify battery Low, High, and Ground Alarm functions.
3. Verify circuit breaker shunt trip function (battery isolator).
4. Verify all volt/amp meters are calibrated and correct.
5. Test and record battery cell inter-cell connector resistance per IEEE-484.
6. Initial battery filling and charging to be performed as recommended by the manufacturer.
7. Document initial charging of battery on the attached form.
8. Verify that the battery has had an equalizing charge completed more than 3 days and less than 7 days prior to the start of the test.
9. Read and record the specific gravity and float voltage of each cell just prior to the test.
10. Read and record the temperature of the battery electrolyte for an average temperature (suggested every sixth cell).
11. Read and record the battery terminal float voltage.
12. Disconnect the charger from the battery.
13. Take adequate precautions (such as isolating the battery to be tested from other batteries and critical loads) to ensure that a failure will not jeopardize other systems or equipment.
14. Provide the following test equipment, Load bank with variac to provide constant current discharge sized to battery capacity, D. C. ammeter, D. C. voltmeter, and timing clock.
15. Discharge the battery at its rated current for its rated time or until the battery reaches 1.75 volts per cell minimum cell voltage. (Maintain the battery discharge current throughout the test.)
16. Record cell voltage (to include inter-cell connector voltage drop), and battery voltage (voltage at battery terminals) at the intervals specified the following Test Data. Readings should be taken with the load applied.

Test data of initial battery reading.

10 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
8 hours

On conclusion of the test review the results to determine acceptance of the battery. Weak cells that cannot pass the test shall be replaced.

Battery Charging Record.


Provide the following data for each cell tested.


What is Load Testing of Batteries?

Apply a load to the battery to simulate real-world usage conditions.
Monitor voltage and current during the load test to ensure they remain within acceptable limits. Observe the battery temperature to detect any abnormal heating.

What is Charger Functionality Test?

Connect the charger to the battery and monitor the charging process.
Verify that the charger is supplying the correct voltage and current to the battery.
Ensure proper charging algorithms are being followed, such as bulk charging, absorption charging, and float charging.

What are Safety Precautions for Electrical Field Test for industrial Batteries?

Adhere to safety protocols throughout the testing process, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and following lockout/tagout procedures.
Use insulated tools and equipment to prevent electrical shock hazards.
Avoid overloading circuits and follow proper handling procedures for batteries and chargers.

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