Main keywords for this article are ELECTRICAL QC INTERVIEW QUESTION ANSWERS, Capacitors related Question Answers, Transformer related Question Answers, Agricultural Buildings question answers.
Motor related Question Answers
- Are ampacities and sizing of components other than overload devices based on table values rather than nameplate values?
NEC Reference: 430.6(A)( I)
- Are conductor ampacities for individual continuous duty motors at least 125% of table full-load current?
NEC Reference: 430.22(A)
- Do conductors supplying multiple motors have ampacities equal to at least the sum of the full-load current rating of all of the motors plus 125% of largest motor?
NEC Reference: 430.24
- Does motor overload protection exceed permitted values?
NEC Reference: 430.32 to 430.44
- Does the motor branch-circuit short-circuit and groundfault protection exceed permitted values?
NEC Reference: 430.5.1 to 430.58
- Does the motor feeder short-circuit and ground-fault protection exceed permitted values?
NEC Reference: 430.62 w 430.63
- Does the motor control circuits have proper overcurrent protection? NEC Reference: 430.72
- Are motor controllers provided for motors, and are they the proper type, and do they have adequate ratings?
NEC Reference: 430.81 to 430.91
- Do the motor control centers have proper ratings, protection, workspace and dedicated space?
NEC Reference: 430.92 to 430.98, 110.26
- Are motor disconnects of the proper type and rating?
NEC Reference: 430.109, 430.110
- Are controller disconnects in sight of controllers, readily accessible, and do they have adequate work space?
NEC Reference: 430.102(A). 430.107, 110.26
- Are motor disconnects in sight of motors, readily accessible, and do they have adequate workspace, or are controller disconnects lockable?
NEC Reference: 430. 102(B), 430. 107, 110.26
Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Equipment related Questions
- ls there applicable nameplate information for the equipment?
NEC Reference: 440.4(A)
- Are branch-circuit conductor sizes adequate based on the applicable nameplate information?
NEC Reference: 440.31 to 440.35
- Are conductors supplying several units adequately sized?
NEC Reference: 430.3A, 440.33, 440.34
- Is branch circuit overload protection provided and properly sized?
NEC Reference: 440.51 to 440.55
- Is branch-circuit short-circuit and groundfault protection provided and properly sized?
NEC Reference: 440.21 & 440.22
- ls feeder short-circuit and ground-fault protection provided and properly sized where applicable?
NEC Reference: 430.61 to 430.63
- Do controllers have adequate ratings where they are not part of listed multi motor or combination load equipment?
NEC Reference: 440.41
- Do disconnecting means have .ratings adequate for the equipment?
NEC Reference: 440.12, 440.13
- Are disconnecting means within sight and readily accessible from the equipment, and are working spaces adequate?
NEC Reference: 440.14, 110.26
- Are conductors, receptacles, cords, and over-current devices for room air-conditioners properly sized?
NEC Reference: 440.60 to 440.64
- Are receptacles and adequate lighting provided for servicing of mechanical equipment?
NEC Reference: 210.63, 210.70(A)(3)
Places of Assembly related question answers
- ls Article 518 applicable?
NEC Reference: 518.1, 518.2
- Are wiring methoqs suitable for the occupancy and fire-rating of the area(s)?
NEC Reference: 518.4(A )
- Does the temporary installation comply with Article 527 except for GFCI requirements?
NEC Reference: 518.3
- Does portable distribution equipment have adequate ratings and supply from listed power outlets?
NEC Reference: 518.5
- Does portable distribution equipment have overcurrent protection and isolation from the general public)
NEC Reference : 518 .5
Motor Fuel Dispensing and Service Stations related Questions
- Does Article 514 apply?
NEC Reference: 514.1
- What is the extent and division of the Class I areas?
NEC Reference: 512.2
Are suitable wiring methods and equipment used within and below Class I areas?
NEC Reference: 514.3. 514.8
- Are suitable wiring methods and equipment used above classified areas?
NEC Reference: 514.4. 511.7
- Are seals located, installed, and sealed at dispensers and in accordance with Section 501.5?
NEC Reference: 51 4.9
- Are circuit and emergency disconnecting means provided and do they disconnect all circuit conductors including any grounded conductors?
NEC Reference: 514. 11
- Are means to disconnect all voltage sources, including feedback voltages, provided?
NEC Reference: 5 14 .13
Agricultural Buildings question answers
- Is Article 547 applicable?
NEC Reference: 547.1
- Are wiring methods suitable for the occupancy and conditions and for protection from physical damage?
NEC Reference: 547.5 (A) & (B)
- Does equipment that requires grounding have a copper equipment grounding conductor? ·
NEC Reference: 547.5 (F)
- Are equipment grounding conductors installed underground insulated or covered?
NEC Reference: 547.S(F)
- Do switches, circuit breakers, controllers, and the like have enclosures suitable for the conditions?
NEC Reference 547.6 & 547.5 (C)
- Are lighting fixtures installed to minimize the entry of dust and water. and are fixtures that are exposed to damage supplied with guards?
NEC Reference: 547.8
- Does the arrangement of service equipment, distribution equipment, overcurrent protection and grounding comply with requirements?
NECReference: 547.8
- Has an equipotential plane been installed in concrete floors of livestock containment areas? Is it bonded to electrodes and conductive elements?
NEC Reference: 547. I0(A) & ( 10)
Marinas and Boatyards related Question Answers
- Is Article 555 applicable?
NEC Reference: 555.1
- Are shore power receptacles of a locking and grounding type, and do they have ampere ratings appropriate for the boats accommodated?
NEC Reference: 555.19
- Are general use receptacles that are not used for shore power GFCI-protected?
NEC Reference: 555.19(B)
- Are disconnecting means provided within sight of shore power connections to isolate each boat from its supply circuit?
NEC Reference: 555.17
- Are receptacles used for shore power supplied by individual branch circuits with voltage and current ratings corresponding to the receptacles?
NEC Reference 555. 19(A)
- Do feeder and service calculations comply with requirements?
NEC Reference 555.12
- Are wiring methods suitable for wet locations, and are cords, where used, extra-hard usage type listed for wet locations and sunlight resistance?
NEC Reference: 555. 13
- Is equipment requiring grounding connected to an insulated copper equipment grounding conductor included with feeders and branch circuits?
NEC Reference: 555. 15
- Is wiring over or Under navigable water suitable, and does it have proper clearances?
NEC Reference: 555.13(B )(3)
- Does wiring in motor fuel dispensing stations comply with Article 514?
NEC Reference: 555.21
- Is service equipment for floating docks or marinas located adjacent to, but not on or in, the floating structure? NEC Reference: 555.21
Transformer related Question Answers
- ls overcurrent protection for transformers 600 volts or less provided and properly sized?
NEC Reference: 450.3(8)
- ls overcurrent protection provided for transformer primary conductors?
NEC Reference: 240.4, 240.21, 240.100
- ls overcurrent protection provided for transfomer secondary conductors?
NEC Reference: 240.4, 240.21, 240.100, 240.4(F)
- Do transformer installations have adequate ventilation and spacing from walls and obstructions.
NEC Reference: 450.9, 450.21
- Do transformers have ready access or proper installation in the open or in hollow spaces?
NEC Reference: 450.13
- Do indoor dry-type transformers have separation from combustibles, or, based on ratings, installation in fire-resistant rooms or vaults?
NEC Reference: 450.21
- Do outdoor dry-type transformers have weatherproof enclosures?
NEC Reference: 450.22
- Are liquid-insulated transformers installed in accordance with the requirements for the location and type of insulating liquid?
NEC Reference: 450.23 to 450.28
- Do transformer vaults have adequate construction, access, ventilation, and drainage, and are foreign systems in vaults?
NEC Reference: 450.41 to 450.48
Capacitors related Question Answers
- Do capacitors have proper enclosures and guards?
NEC Reference: 460.2
- Are conductors properly sized based on the current rating of the capacitor(s)?
NEC Reference: 460.8(A)
- Do capacitors, other than those connected to the load side of motor overload devices, have disconnects and proper overcurrent protection?
NEC Reference: 460.8