Industrial Insulation Installation for Equipment and Piping



4.1 Insulation Document Use Guideline

4.2 Insulation Design and Type Codes

4.3 Insulation Installation Details

4.4 Requirements for Hot Service Insulation Materials

4.5 Requirements for Cold Insulation

4.6 Installation of Hot Service Insulation Systems …….

4.7 High Temperature Insulation

4.8 Insulation for Fireproofing

4.9 Insulation Inspection

This standard defines basic insulation materials and installation for use on hot and cold surfaces of
equipment and piping. This standard links several PIP standards, providing additional information as
necessary. Materials described are manufactured specifically for use on piping and equipment. This
standard is also used to prepare insulation specifications, for specific use on projects, or submission with
insulation subcontracts. Insulation for storage tanks is covered by an individual project specification.

2. References

The selection and design of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
SABIC Engineering Standards (SES)
P01E16 Safety Instruction Sheets
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
E 85 Standard Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
E 96 Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
Process Industry Practices (PIP)
INEG1000 Insulation Design and Type Codes
INGG1000 Insulation Document Use Guideline
INIH1000 Hot Insulation Installation Details
INSH1000 Requirements for Hot Service Insulation Materials
INSH2000 Installation of Hot Service Insulation Systems
INTG1000 Insulation Inspection Checklist

3. Definitions

For the purpose of understanding this standard, the following definitions apply.
Anti Abrasion Compound.
A plastic material, composed of various ingredients, used as a medium in
which to embed the insulation layer. The compound acts as cushion, anti-abrasive and adhesive.
Cellular Glass Insulation.
Insulation that is produced of glass and composed of small individual cells
sealed from each other.
Fibrous Type Insulation.
Insulation that is composed of small diameter fibers which finely divide the air
space. These fibers may be organic or inorganic.
Polyurethane or Urethane Insulation.
Insulation made by the condensation of organic isocyanates with
compounds or resins that contain hydroxyl groups.
Vapor Barrier.
A material that eliminates the passage of moisture into the insulation.
A material that protects the insulation from the ravages of weather such as rain, wind,
solar radiation, atmospheric contamination and mechanical damage.
Wicking Type Insulation.
Insulation that has high tendency to absorb moisture such as calcium silicate
and fibrous insulation.

Industrial Insulation Installation for Equipment and Piping

4.1 Insulation Document Use Guideline

The document, PIP INGG1000 outlines the use of the PIP documents.

4.2 Insulation Design and Type Codes

4.2.1 Design and Type codes

The document, PIP INEG1000 describes selection criteria, and the associated coding.

4.2.2 Type Code Listing

The type codes are shown in the Piping Line List, or appropriate Safety Data Sheet.
4.2.3 Additional Requirements
Insulated lines carrying fluids that are flammable, dangerous or toxic, present possible problems with
leakage. The number one problem is that the insulation masks leaks. The next most serious is soaking of
the insulation material, and subsequent wicking, producing a hidden volume of flammable, or dangerous
material. The third problem is that the insulation material becomes ineffective when soaked. There are
three solutions to these problems. The first is to not insulate flanges, and accept the heat loss. Flange sets
can be insulated with soft removable covers with a grommet installed that will expel fluid. This will indicate
a leak, and direct the leak in a safe direction. When the leak is corrosive, covers are available with teflon
coating. The third solution is to use cellular glass insulation on the first 300 to 600 mm away from flanged
joints, and thoroughly seal it. The flanges can then be covered with cellular glass, with a vent to act as an
indicator, and to avoid pressure buildup. The third is the best solution for heat transfer fluids.

4.2.4 Thickness Tables for Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offers climatic conditions considerably more severe than those considered
by PIP. The insulation thickness tables included with the PIP documents are not suitable. The thickness is
calculated using equations that balance the expenditure for increased insulation against the cost of the
heat loss. Higher material cost justifies less insulation. Lower fuel cost justifies less insulation. The high
ambient temperature in the Kingdom justifies less insulation. The tables included are calculated for Saudi
Arabia, and are tabulated in metric temperatures.

4.3 Insulation Installation Details

4.3.1 Installation Details
The document PIP INIH1000 contains the hot insulation details.

4.3.2 Additional Requirements

Jacketing must be applied so that the lap in the material faces away from the prevailing wind. Bands shall
be increased to 19 mm wide for all sizes. Band spacing should be reduced to 225 mm (9-inches) for
equipment, and considered for piping NPS 12 and larger. These measures improve survivability of the jacketing in wind, and sand storms.

4.4 Requirements for Hot Service Insulation Materials

4.4.1 Hot Insulation Materials

The document PIP INSH1000 contains the requirements for hot insulation materials, including data sheets.

4.4.2 Additional Requirements

Insulation jacketing shall be provided with factory applied moisture barrier.
All non-metallic materials shall have a flame-spread rating of not greater than 25 when tested per
ASTM E 84.
Insulation containing sodium silicate shall not be used over alloys containing molybdenum, such as 316
stainless steel, Hastelloy-X, Inconel 625, operating at 815 deg C or hotter.
Sealants shall be 90% or greater solids, shall be butyl or silicone rubber based, shall remain flexible
without cracking or shrinkage at specified environmental conditions, shall be resistant to solar radiation,
shall have a water vapor permeability of .03 perm-in or less per ASTM E96, Procedure E, and shall have a
flame spread classification of 25 or less per ASTM E84.

4.5 Requirements for Cold Insulation

Cold insulation is handled generally like hot service, with the exceptions of temperature considerations for
the material, and the need for the integrity of the vapor barrier.

4.5.1 Anti-Sweat

Piping that operates below the normal dew point requires anti-sweat insulation. Any line that has a
temperature below the dew point frequently enough to generate a hazard, such as slipping on a wet
surface, cultivation of algae, or accelerate corrosion, shall be insulated for anti-sweat.

4.5.2 Cold Insulation Installation

When cellular glass is used for any insulation service, an anti-abrasion coating must be applied to the
surface. The insulation material is sealed to the surface, adjacent segments, and between layers.

4.5.3 Vapor Barrier

The vapor barrier is the limiting component of all cold insulation systems. A break in the barrier allows the
intrusion of the atmosphere into the insulation system. This atmosphere contains water which will
eventually condense, promoting hidden corrosion, or freezing, the expansion of which, causes mechanical
damage to the insulation, and the vapor barrier. The gulf areas are known for high humidity. It is advisable
to jacket over the vapor barrier, because damage to the aluminum will indicate a possible break in the
vapor barrier. Vapor barrier shall have a water vapor transmission rating less than 1.6 metric perms per
ASTM E96 when tested at 23 deg C. Fabric reinforcement of elastomeric coatings is required. A metal
jacket does not qualify as a vapor barrier.

4.5.4 Contraction Joints

As the temperature drops, the equipment and the insulation shrinks. Instead of expansion joints,
contraction joints must be added. These voide are to be packed loosely to leave room for contraction of
the materials.

4.5.5 Expansion Springs

As with the contraction joints, the springs must be pre-tensioned so that after all of the contraction has
taken place there is sufficient tension to hold the system together.
4.5.6 Cold and Acoustical Insulation
When there are acoustical considerations in addition to cold insulation, the acoustical barrier is places
outside of the cold insulation material.

4.5.7 Jacket Screws

Where vapor barriers are used, screws are not allowed. Jacketing shall be held together with pop rivets
inserted into holes drilled elsewhere, or with backing to protect the vapor barrier.

4.6 Installation of Hot Service Insulation Systems

The document PIP INSH2000 contains the requirements for the installation of the hot insulation systems.
Spectacle blinds shall be left visible for easy accessibility and not totally enclosed by insulation boxes.

4.7 High Temperature Insulation

When the temperature goes above 650°C (1200°F) the normal insulating materials break down. The
solution is to use a double layer system. Ceramic fiber insulation is a good choice for the inner layer. This
should be handled on a case by case basis.

4.8 Insulation for Fireproofing

When insulation is used for fireproofing, cellular glass shall be used for insulation material, and stainless
steel for the jacketing.

4.9 Insulation Inspection

The Document PIP INTG1000 provides the insulation checklist.

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