This article is about the PAINTING EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Here you will see the best question which is normally asked during interview of Painting engineer, supervisor or QC.


Standard Codes related Questions

  1. What documents explains how to measure dry film thickness with magnetic gages?
    1. SSPC-PA1
    2. SSPC-PA2
    3. SSPC-PA3
    4. SSPC-PA4
  2. What documents will describe the health and safety of hazard of a coating material?
    1. The job specification
    2. Material safety data sheets
    3. SSPC safety specification
    4. OSHA Standard
  3. What is the corresponding surface preparation specification of SSPC-SP-6 to ASTM D220?
    1. Sa3
    2. Sa 2-1/2
    3. Sa2
  4. What is the correct storage temperature range for coating?
    1. 30 to 90 F
    2. 40 to 120 F
    3. 45 to 100 F
    4. The storage temperature range will vary with different coatings. So it is necessary to check the product data sheets of the coating.
  5. What documents will answer your questions about the kind of thinner required for special coating?
    1. Material Safety data sheets
    2. SSPC paint specification
    3. Product data sheets
    4. Job specification
  6. If you need to answer a question about the surface profile requirement for blasted surfaces on a job, what document would you consult?
    1. Material Safety Data Sheet
    2. SSPC Specification
    3. Job Specification
    4. SSPC-PA1
  7. At least 95% of each square inch of surface area shall be free of visible residues?
    1. SSPC-SP-10
    2. Near White
    3. Both a and b
  8. What document will answer your questions about the kind of thinner required for a specific coating?
    1. Material safety data sheet
    2. SSPC paint specifications
    3. Product data sheets
    4. Job specifications
  9. Paint shall not be applied when the temperature is expected to drop to 32°F
    1. True
    2. False
  10. The inspection shall be conducted prior to, during and after application of the coating system.
    1. ASTM D3276-86
    2. ASTM D3358-88
    3. ASTM D3363-74
  11. It is the temperature at which the air starts to crystallize to form as liquid or the temperature at which moisture will condense.
    1. Dew point
    2. Humidity
    3. Ambient temperature
  12. Standard test method for measuring adhesion by the tape test.
    1. ASTM D 3359
    2. ASTM D 3363
    3. ASTM D 3350
  13. What is the meaning of SSPC?
    1. Structural Steel Painting Commission
    2. Steel Surface Painting Council
    3. Steel Structures Painting Council
  14. What documents will describe the health & safety hazards of coating materials?
    1. The job specification
    2. Material safety data sheets
    3. SSPC safety specification
    4. OSHA standard
  15. Surface preparation for power tool cleaning
    1. SSPC-SP10
    2. SSPC-SP3
    3. SSPC-SP2

Specific Questions of Painting

  1. What should you do if you receive coatings that have exceeded their shelf life?
    1. Use the coating if it’s the appearance is normal
    2. Use the material if there is no hard setting of pigment
    3. Check viscosity
    4. Contact the coating manufacturer for information about the usability of the coatings.
  2. When receive a shipment of paint, how many cans should you open for inspection?
    1. One can
    2. One can of each component
    3. About 5 cans
    4. At least one can from each batch.
  3. What is the correct formula for computing the wet film thickness (WFT) needed to achieve the specified dry film thickness (DFT) of a coating?
    1. WFT = DFT x percent solids by volume
    2. WFT = DFT x 0.50
    3. WFT = DFT x percent of solids by wt.
  4. What are the sources of hazards on a jobsite?
    1. Hazard found at the work site, such as high voltage electricity.
    2. Hazard arising from the equipment you are using
    3. Hazard from coating and lining materials
    4. All of the above
  5. Which of the following characteristics paint is easily tested in the field?
    1. Viscosity
    2. Dry opacity
    3. Identification of the solvent in the paint
    4. Identification of the paint resin
  6. What is the effect of thinning on the amount of wet film thickness needed to achieve the specified dry film thickness?
    1. Thinning decreases wet film thickness requirements
    2. Thinning increases wet film thickness requirements
    3. There is no effect
    4. Thinning increases wet film thickness requirements only on hot day.
  7. How many gauge reading are required when checking dry film thickness at one spot on a steel surface?
    1. One
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Ten
  8. Why must a cartridge mask respirator by fit-tested?
    1. To assure that air enters the mask only through the filters in the cartridges
    2. So the mask won’t fall
    3. So the mask will be comfortable during use.
    4. So that sweat or other liquids cannot penetrate the seal of the mask with the skin
  9. When you receive a shipment of coatings, which of the following condition of the coating containers is an immediate safety hazard?
    1. Loose labels
    2. The coatings have exceeded their shelf life
    3. Bulging cans
    4. Missing labels
  10. How much paints in lost in a normal airlines spray operation?
    1. 0-5 %
    2. 0-10 %
    3. 15-30 %
    4. Over 50 %
  11. Windy condition can cause which of the following paint defects?
    1. Wrinkling
    2. De lamination
    3. Fish eyes
    4. Dry spray
  12. Who creates & distributes material safety data sheets?
    1. Your employer
    2. The federal government
    3. The material manufacturer
    4. Occupational safety & health administration
  13. Indicator tube combustible gas meters and oxygen meters are examples of:
    1. Sampling device to test the atmosphere in confined space
    2. Direct reading instruments for testing the atmosphere in a confined space
    3. Laboratory devices for testing the atmosphere in a confined space
    4. None of the above
  14. How may gauge reading are required when checking dry film thickness at one spot on a steel surface?
    1. One
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Ten
  15. The minimum dry film thickness of shop prime paint is:
    1. 4 microns
    2. 1 microns
    3. 0 microns

Please check also:  MECHANICAL

Practical Questions of Painting

  1. When you receive a shipment of paint, how many cans should you open for inspection?
    1. 1 can
    2. 1 can of each component
    3. About 5 cans
    4. At least 1 can from each batch
  2. Which of the following characteristics of paint is easily tested in the field?
    1. Viscosity
    2. Dry opacity
    3. Identification of the solvent in the paint
    4. Identification of the paint resin
  3. What check would you be likely to make to find the cause of fish eyes in paint film?
    1. Check spray technique
    2. Check atomizing air pressure
    3. Check for oil contamination of the air supply
    4. Check surface temperature of the steel
  4. Inside a confined space, where do solvent vapor normally collect?
    1. At the bottom of the space
    2. At the top of the space
    3. In a layer across the midpoint of the space
    4. Evenly throughout the space
  5. What would you do if you receive coatings that have exceeded their shelf life?
    1. Use the coating if the appearance is normal
    2. Use the material if there is no hard setting of pigment
    3. Check viscosity
    4. Contact the coating manufacturer for information about the usability of the coatings
  6. What is the ideal time to inquire about health hazards of specific materials on the job?
    1. After you got sick
    2. Once you notice that exposure to the materials is causing unusual effects on the body
    3. Before the work begins
    4. After the work begins
  7. In the section of material safety data sheet on special protection information, what kind of information will you find?
    1. Information about protective clothing and equipment hygiene practices, ventilation requirements, etc.
    2. Information about exposure limits of the material
    3. Information about how to protect yourself from explosion
    4. Information about first aid
  8. Measurement of relative humidity shall be taken:
    1. Before the work begin
    2. During painting and measured periodically throughout the day
    3. Both a and b
  9. What action is to be taken when you notice a higher DFT reading than to the requirements?
    1. Accept the paint application
    2. Reject the paint application
    3. Generate report and endorse to engineering for evaluation
  10. A person who is responsible to verify and ensure that the requirements of the surface preparation and coating specification are met
    1. Painter
    2. Painting inspector
    3. Painting supervisor
    4. All of the above
  11. If you obtained two different DFT readings in the same location/category, what will you do?
    1. Re-calibrate
    2. Look for ASTM reference for the maximum allowable difference
    3. Both a and b
  12. Sandblasting/painting is scheduled to commence at night time, will you accept it?
    1. No
    2. Yes
    3. Yes, provided that the RH & Steel Temperature is within the specified limit.
  13. What paint application method normally causes the most lost paint?
    1. Paint brochure
    2. Project specification
    3. Both a and b
  14. Coating shall be applied when the substrate temperature is at least above the dew point.
    1. 5 ºC
    2. 4 ºC
    3. 3 ºC
  15. If the given DFT is 400 microns and volume of solids is 100% what is the WFT.
    1. 4 µm
    2. 40 µm
    3. 400 µm





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