This article is about QC Civil Inspector Interview Questions and related to Senior engineers, supervisor and technicians.

QC Civil Inspector Interview Questions – ARAMCO CBT
1. If you are QC Civil Inspector and you have a request of testing for compaction what you will do;
a) Check the area for testing is ready for compaction test prior to initiate the RFI.
b) Check all the documents needed for RFI.
c) Check the Third party is available and approved to do the testing.
d) All of the above
2. If you are QC Civil Inspector to whom you will directly report;
a) Saudi Aramco representative.
b) Project Manager of the contractor
c) QC Supervisor of the contractor
d) QC Manager of the contractor
3. IF you encounter slump of 6” and the requirements is 4” only what you will do;
a) Reject the concrete
b) Add admixtures
c) Wait for 10 minutes and then give time to lower the slump.
d) b and c
4. In material receiving inspection for any material what is the most important to check;
a) Material is approved by Aramco
b) Material is listed in 9 com lists.
c) Material is from approved Vendor.
d) All of the above
5. Which is not the job of the contractor QC Civil Inspector
a) Sampling and Testing.
b) Witnessing and hold point inspection
c) Issuing NCR
d) Surveillance inspection
6. How the process or flow of RFI?
Enumerate the step by step procedure of the RFI. (5)
7. What is Quality Control ? (3 points)
8. What is the difference of quality control to quality control work?( 5 points)
9. Give at least 5 quality control work for asphalting work?( 5 points)
10. Give at least 5 quality control work for concreting work?(5 points)
11. Give at least 5 quality control work for earthwork? (5 points)
QA QC Civil Engineer Interview CBT Questions and Answers
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Civil qc inspector CBT exam is very difficult not like before as mostly touching fireproofing and almost all civil standards of aramco, please can you provide some question regarding cbt exam for civil qc inspector which is recently using during the cbt exam
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