This article is about general and Functional Specification for Water Booster Pump Control System used in Integrated Automation System or Building Automation System.
Water Booster Pump Control System Functional Specification
Domestic Water Booster Pump Control System:
- The domestic water booster pump control system shall be provided with communication capabilities to be integrated into the IAS through the FACLAN building network. Communication systems shall be non-proprietary open systems such as BACnet or Modbus. System shall share the following:
- Status: on/off
- Operating Hours.
- Lead/Lag assignment.
- System pressure (PSI).
- Heat detector status, temperature
- Status: available, not available, activated, failure, trouble, alarm, etc.
- In occupancy mode, the domestic water booster pump control system shall be engaged.
- In un-occupancy mode, the domestic water booster pump control system shall be disengaged.
- In emergency mode, the domestic water booster pump control system shall be disengaged.
- The domestic water booster pump control system shall be provided with communication capabilities to be integrated into the IAS through the FACLAN building network. Communication systems shall be non-proprietary open systems such as BACnet or Modbus. System shall share the following:
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