Fire Detection / Alarm Equipment Provision for Generic Indoors Location

Fire Detection / Alarm Equipment Provision for Generic Indoors Location

Location Manual pull Station Smoke detector Heat detector Chimes Local


Control Room FAP


MFAP (2)
Control (Unit Control) Building
Computer Room Yes (4) Yes Yes
Computer Room Subfloor Yes
Rack Room Yes Yes
Rack Room Subfloor Yes
Control Rooms Yes Yes Yes(3) Yes (3)
Control Room Subfloor Yes
Simulator/Training Room Yes Yes
Simulator/Training Subfloor Yes
Electric Room Yes Yes
Battery/UPS room Yes Yes
Office areas Yes (4) Yes (5) Yes
Substation Yes (4) Yes Yes Yes
Battery room Yes
Remote instrumentation building Yes (4) Yes Yes Yes
Sub Floor Yes
UPS/Battery room Yes
Satellite Maintenance Shop Yes (4) Yes Yes
Analyzer houses Yes yes Yes
Central QA Laboratory Yes (4) Yes Yes
Lab Yes
Storage area and extruder room Yes
X-ray and density room Yes
Storage Yes
Office areas Yes
Material Warehouse Yes (4) Yes Yes
Mosque Yes (4) Yes Yes
Gate House Yes(4) Yes yes
Location Manual pull Station Smoke detector Heat detector Chimes Local


Control Room FAP


MFAP (2)
General Service Building Yes (4) Yes Yes
Security room Yes Yes
Security room subfloor Yes Yes
Computer room Yes Yes
Computer room subfloor Yes Yes
Office areas Yes, (5) Yes
Fire /Safety/Env/Clinic Bldg Yes (4) Yes Yes
Chemical Warehouse Yes (4) Yes Yes
Central chiller building Yes
Unit substation Yes (4) Yes Yes Yes
Ups/Battery room Yes
Cafeteria Yes(4) Yes Yes
Dining area Yes
Food Preparation Yes Yes
Central Maint. Shop & Supp. Facility Yes(4) Yes Yes
Emergency Generator building Yes(4) Yes Yes Yes

Notes for above table:

  1. Local Fire Alarm Panel (FAP)
  2. Main Fire Alarm Panel (MFAP)
  3. All control building shall be provided with a local fire alarm panel at control room except at U & O control building control room only the Main fire alarm panel shall be provided. Buildings other than control buildings can be connected to a common local fire alarm panel based on geographical proximity with the proviso that the local fire alarm panel shall be located in a permanently manned building.
  4. Manual pull station shall be located at each egress exit of the building and at each egress exit at stair tower on each floor.
  5. Offices, electrical room, and battery/ups room within the same fire separation of control room (security room, computer room & etc.) shall not be protected by sprinkle system but by fire detection system.

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