Job Safety Analysis for Piping Support Installation

Job Safety Analysis for Piping Support Installation

Steps Required to Complete Task

Identify Hazard & Assess Risk

Controls to Eliminate/Reduce Risk

Mobilize men and equipments. 1.1 Mobilize men and equipment.

1.2 Use of defective tools and equipment.

1.3 Injury accident due to improper handling of tools and equipment.

1.1.1 Engage skilled workers for the work.

1.2.1 Inspect all the tools and equipment and discard the damaged ones. Competent electrician should inspect all the electrical tools and affix inspection sticker.

1.3.1 Ensure that all workers know use of tool and equipment.

Apply for permit to work 2.1 Permit inadequate.
2.1.1 Ensure PTW is processed by authorized and competent persons.
2.1.2 Ensure effective supervision and conduct inspection.
2.1.1  Ensure PTW is processed by authorized and competent  persons.

2.1.2  Ensure effective supervision and conduct inspectrion.

2.2.1  Conduct tool box talk prior to starting work to the work force by using the TBT (Tool Box Talks) prompt card. Confirm they all understood the task, hazards and safety precautions and actions to be  taken in case of emergency.

Tool box talks 3.1  People not familiar with the job and hazards involved.

3.2  Poor understanding of workers.

3.3  Poor safety attitudes of workers.

3.4  Subject matter incomplete.

3.1.1  Conduct tool box talks by line supervisor and safety officer.

3.2.1  Use local language and be simple and concise.

3.2.2  Safety Audits and Unsafe Acts Auditing.

3.3.1  Conduct training and  disciplinary action as last resort.

3.4.1  Ensure quality talks through audits/ supervision.

Transport material/ loading/unloading/ movement of vehicle 4.1 Poor condition of vehicle.

4.2 Vehicle breakdown.
4.3 Vehicle roll-over specially in sharp traffic accident.
4.4 Injuries to working men/ damage from traffic accident.

4.5 Injuries while loading and unloading.
4.6 Accident due to vehicle movement.

4.4.1 Ensure proper plans to transport and loaded material.
Road worthiness of transport to be ensured.
4.4.2 Plant and vehicle to be operated by experienced and licensed operators/ drivers.
4.4.3 Transport to agreed location.
4.5.1 All workers will be ensured to use PPE.
4.5.2 Proper assistance given by the supervisor.
4.5.3 Adherence to lifting and rigging plan.
4.6.1 Licensed driver will be ensured to drive.
4.6.2 Passage of movement will be confirmed to driver.
Loading materials to vehicles and off-loading. 5.1 Inadequate crane working area (e.g. unstable surface/ soil, out-rigger not fully extended etc.) leading to crane tipping over.

5.2 Use of defective lifting equipments leading to load being dropped.
5.3 Inadequate access to the top of the load, leading to personnel fa while unhooking/ detaching the sling.
5.4 Improper planning of the job leading unsafe working practices.

5.1.1 Crane operator to inspect the area for suitability for staging the crane and space for extending out rigger.

5.3.1 Unloading of the materials should be conducted without standing on the material.
5.4.1 All the jobs should be properly planned and scheduled in advance to minimize confusion and shortcuts.

Lifting equipment/ use of crane 6.1 Equipment failure.
6.2 Use of under capacity lifting equipment.
6.3 Use of untested equipment.
6.4 Incorrectly attached lifting equipment.
6.5 Struck by falling object.
6.6 Sound factor.
6.7 Accident while shifting materials.
6.8 Cutting of lifting belts due to sharp steel work edges.
6.1.1 Equipment to be in good order and inspected before use by contractor. Ensure experienced and licensed operators by contractor.
6.2.1 Competent rigger to control the lifting equipment.
6.2.2 Test certificate to verify the capacity with color coding and tagged.
6.3.1 Lifting equipment colour code system to be established, as per Aramco instructions.
6.4.1 Competent rigger/ banksman to attach lifting equipment.
6.5.1 Establish exclusive zone and ensure use of PPE.
6.6.1 Ensure use of ear protection(85 dB)
6.7.1 Location of lifting points will be ensured to operator.
6.7.2 Passage of travel will be ensured to operator.
6.7.3 The area under shifting will be cleared without workers and crane to be relocated at a safe area.
6.8.1 Competent rigger will inspect lifting equipment.
6.8.2 Timber, soft or suitable material shall be used between sling belt and steel members.
Working around plant in working space. 7.1 Live plant/ machinery/ electrical hazards/ noise and other
permanent/ temporary installations.
7.2 Injuries while loading and unloading.
7.3 Heat exhaustion.
7.4 Working at heights.
7.1.1 Tool box talk in appropriate language and subject matter.
7.1.2 All electrical hazard will be symbolized.
7.1.3 Noise, if beyond 85 dB, PPE for ear protection to be used.
7.2.1 Pre-task tool box talks.
7.3.1 To be protected by consuming water/ tool box talk on the subject.
7.4.1 All workers should use full body harness.
Working with ladders 8.1 Use of damaged ladder.
8.2 Improper positioning of ladder on uneven ground.
8.3 Sliding or extension of ladder over the working platform.
8.4 Improper extension of ladder over the working platform.
8.5 Personnel fall from ‘A’ type ladder.
8.2.1 Position the ladder at the proper angle and position on even surface.
8.3.1 Position the ladder at proper angle and lash it or tie it.
8.4.1 Provide ladder extension of one meter above landing platform.
8.5.1 Use another person to hold the ladder. Do not use last 2 top rungs.
Welding operation. 9.1 Electric shock.
9.2 Eye injury/ burn injury.
9.3 Fire hazard
9.4 Splattering of welding buds and causing injury/ fire
9.5 Exposure to welding fumes.
9.1.1 Use proper cable lugs for end connection and use male / female socket for mid-connections.
9.2.1 Use welding shield, welding glove, knee guard and apron.
9.3.1 Remove nearby combustible and flammable material before before welding and arrest welding buds by putting fire blanket. Provide proper earthing.
9.4.1 Barricade the area for unauthorized persons entry.
9.5.1 Work in open area and use respirator, if required.
Support material lifting operation by crane. 10.1 Improper positioning of crane on uneven ground.
10.2 Failure of crane and lifting sling and gears.
10.3 Use of defective slings.
10.1.1 Survey the ground prior to crane placement and ensure proper area and surface.
10.2.1 Prior to use, inspect slings and lifting tools & tackles and check for damage.
10.3.1 Inspect all lifting slings and discard damaged one. Follow single task system.
Job completion and clean-up and demobilizing. 11.1 Work permit not closed out.
11.2 Cleaning not done.
11.1.1 Ensure the permit is signed off and closed.
11.2.1 Clean up the area and to be ensured by the supervisor.
Emergencies. 12.1 Accidents/ bodily injuries. 12.1.1 First aider and paramedics response.
12.1.2 Ambulance response and treatment by Aramco doctor and or hospital.
12.1.3 Proper communication equipments and contact numbers. (Emergency contact numbers attached)
Rescue operation 13.1 Person injured at height. 13.1.1 Injured person should be supported by two riggers.
13.1.2 Before transferring to manbasket, the harness of injured person should be hooked up to lifeline fitted to crane main hook.
13.1.3 The man basket will go up with two riggers to receive injured person.
14 Weather Condition 14.1 Working in direct sunlight.Heat Stroke.
14.2 Lifting materials during high wind.
14.3 Poor visibility cause by fog and sand storm.
14.4 Collapsed of soil cause of rain fall.
14.2.1 Training,briefing,use of experienced workers and good housekeeping of work area.
14.3.1 All materials that can be possible blow by wind should be secured and bundled to avoid flying and skip should be covered to avoid waste from flying.Supervisor should stop the lifting operation
if poor visibility to avoid any accident or damage to property and  load can not be lifted without notice or permission.
14.4.1 Provision and use of full body harness,proper platforms with guard rails.Use vertical ladders with life line.
House keeping 15.1 Slip,Trip and fall. 15.1.1 All workers should wear visibility vest to avoid sruct by moving  equipments or avoid personnel’s walking in the road.All vehicle and equipment should have beacon light and should use fog light to be identify easily,avoid over speeding and stop every corner to avoid collision on site.Supervisor should stop the lifting operation if poor visibility to avoid any accident or damage to property,and load can not be lifted without notice or permission.

Note: Separate inspection to be conducted to ascertain suitability of all scaffolds to be used in the above activity. All overhead activities, i.e. lifting of Pipes / erection will be barricaded and sign posted at ground level.

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