Following tools and equipment shall be used normally for Low Voltage Testing Procedure on Reel. This test must be done for all construction sites work and should be done by certified technicians.
- Cable cutter
- Knife
- Diagonal cutting pliers
- Side cutting pliers
- Screw drivers
- Measuring tape
- Hack saw
- Multi-meter/ Continuity tester
- Insulation Resistance Tool (Megger, etc.)
- Wire stripper
- Crimping tool
- Other Relevant Tools
Low Voltage Testing Procedure on Reel
- Check physical condition of drum for apparent damage.
- Perform continuity test of each core of cable drum, after laying, and termination to ensure no conductor is broken with certified and calibrated Ohm-meter.
- The continuity of each core, individual drain and overall drain shall be checked.
- The insulation resistance between cores and between individual cores and screen or armoring as applicable shall be checked.
- The insulation between overall drain and armor shall be checked.
- The results shall be recorded on attached form and shall be greater than 50 Mega Ohm.
- After completion of the tests, the ends of the cable shall be sealed to prevent the ingress of moisture.
- Perform Insulation Resistance (Megger) Test on each core of cable on drum after laying, and termination with certified and calibrated meter. The Ohmic values shall be recorded:
- For cables to 300 volts use, 500 VDC megger.
- For cables above 300 volts to 600 volt use 1000 volt megger
- For cables above 600 volts and less than 1200 volt use 2500 volt
Megger Accepted Values
- Minimum insulation-resistance values should not be less than 50 megohms.
- If cable megger test result from conductor to sheath is less than 20 M Ohms, the cable shall not be used.
- All conductors should be left grounded when not on test, during the testing of other conductors, until completely discharged of all DC potential.
- Test Records and Receipt documents are to be carefully presented in original.
- Test results are acceptable and in accordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards and contractual requirements.