P&ID Instrument Symbols – List of Instrument Symbols in PID

This article is about P&ID Instrument Symbols. P&ID stands for “Piping and Instrumentation Diagram.” It is a schematic representation of a process system in various industries, including chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, power generation, and others. P&ID diagrams provide a visual representation of how different components, equipment, pipes, instruments, and control systems are interconnected and work together within a process.

Key components of a P&ID include:

  1. Piping: The various pipes that carry fluids (liquids or gases) within the process are depicted with different lines, sizes, and types to indicate the type of material being transported and the direction of flow.
  2. Equipment: Major equipment such as pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, reactors, and more are represented by symbols that show their basic shape and function.
  3. Instruments: Sensors, valves, transmitters, controllers, and other instruments used to monitor and control the process are represented with symbols that convey their purpose and the information they provide.
  4. Valves: Different types of valves, such as control valves, isolation valves, relief valves, and more, are indicated by specific symbols that represent their design and function.
  5. Control Loops: The control systems and loops used to regulate the process are depicted, showing how instruments and devices interact to maintain desired process parameters.
  6. Annotations and Notes: P&IDs include labels, annotations, and notes to provide additional information about components, process conditions, materials, and other important details.
  7. Flow Directions and Connections: Arrows indicate the direction of fluid flow within pipes, helping to understand the flow path throughout the process.

P&IDs are essential in various stages of a process, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. They aid in communication between engineers, operators, and other stakeholders, ensuring a common understanding of the process system’s layout, functionality, and control. These diagrams also play a vital role in safety, as they help identify potential hazards, emergency shutdown procedures, and isolation points.

List of Instrument symbols in PID

  1. Sonic signal
  2. Hydraulic line
  3. Software link
  4. Instrument electrical line
  5. Pneumatic transmission or Air line
  6. Capillary tubing or Filled system
  7. Mechanical link or instrument air tubing
  8. Instrument shown elsewhere and outside scope of work
  9. Heat traced instrument
  10. Orifice plate
  11. Restriction orifice
  12. Flow nozzle
  13. Wedge meter
  14. Venture tube
  15. Flow meter (Positive displacement type, Turbine, Coriolis, magnetic, Vortex shedding, integral orifice, ultrasonic, insertion tubing , thermal mass flow, target meter)
  16. Averaging pitot tube
  17. Rotameter
  18. Float type level controller
  19. Diaphragm operated globe valve with hand operated
  20. Diaphragm operated butterfly valve
P&ID Instrument Symbols

P&ID Instrument Symbols

Following picture shows instrument P&ID symbols and different letter represents different instruments used in industry.

P&ID Instrument Symbols
Instrument Letter RepresentationLetters shows a field or locally mounted instrument.
FFlow RateEVoltage
FCVFlow Control ValveFRCFlow Recording Controller
FIFlow IndicatorFTFlow Transmitter
FCFlow ControllerFEFlow Element
FSFlow SwitchFICFlow Indicating Controller
GUser Choice’s (1)HHard
KTime, Time ScheduleMMomentary
NUser Choice’s (1)OUser Choice’s (1)
LCVLevel Control ValveLRCLevel Recording Controller
LRLevel RecorderLTLevel Transmitter
LCLevel ControllerLGLevel Gauge
LSLevel SwitchLICLevel Indicating Controller
Pressure ControllerPGPressure Gauge
PIPressure IndictorPRPressure Recorder
PPressure, Vacuum
PRCPressure Recording ControllerPDIPressure Differential Indicator
PSPressure SwitchPTPressure Transmitter
PICPressure Indicating ControllerPCVPressure Control Valve
PDRPressure Differential RecorderPDSPressure Differential Switch
PDTPressure Differential TransmitterPTDPressure Transducer
Temperature ControllerTETemperature Element
Temperature RecorderTSTemperature Switch
TTTemperature TransmitterTITemperature Indicator
RRadiationSSpeed, Frequency
WWeight, ForceXUnclassified
YState or PresenceZPosition, Dimension
P&ID Instrument Symbols

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