SAEP-136 Saudi Aramco Management of Electric Equipment Obsolescence Program
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SAEP-136This document is based on IEC 62402 Obsolescence Management – Application Guide.
This document SAEP tells us about the implementation and administration of the Saudi Aramco Electrical Equipment Obsolescence program. The main purpose of this guidelines and program is to give permission of proactive action of flagging obsolete equipment, expedite mitigations, monitor and report on the state of Electrical Equipment obsolescence at all Saudi Aramco Plants, Refineries and all other facilities. In itself, the result of the obsolescence measurement does not constitute justification, inclusion or approval of a project in the Capital Program.
Main topics to be discussed here are following for this document provided.
- What is Scope of this article.
- Applicable Documents are required for Electric Equipment Obsolescence Program.
- Terms and Definitions used in this Electric Equipment Obsolescence Program.
- Which Program Components are required.
- Describe briefly abou Program Description.
- Responsibilities during finalizing Electric Equipment Obsolescence Program.
- Electrical Obsolescence Flowchart which shown brief view of overall document.
Appendix A – Equipment Manufacturer Survey
Appendix B – Obsolescence Criteria and Scoring Procedure
Obsolescence Scoring Reports – Distribution and Timing
The Electrical Obsolescence Team is having responsibility to creat and distribute the Obsolescence Reports for each plant Electrical Equipment where criteria scoring indicate significant system changes occur time by time. Distribution shall correspond to no later than four weeks and may be vary from the completion of the scoring activity and be sent to all Electrical Equipment Obsolescence Department Coordinators / Project Engineers.
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