Voltage Transformer Ratio Test Procedure of Power Transformer

To guide the responsible persons in conducting Voltage Transformer Ratio Test and of Power Transformer.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – The following Safety precautions shall be taken in consideration prior, during and after conducting the test measurements.

  • Safety tagging shall be implemented.
  • Isolate the Area by Safety Warning Tape.
  • Keep a Safe Distance from the device being tested.
  • Wear Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) Prior to starting any testing activity.
  • Implementation of Proper Grounding.
EHV/HV GIS Circuit Breaker Test Procedure

Voltage Transformer Ratio Test Procedure


  1. Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area.
  2. Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections.
  3. Set-up and effectively ground the test instrument. Supply voltage, 110Vac or 230Vac. Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections:
Voltage Transformer Ratio Test Procedure of Power Transformer

4. Power ON the Test Instrument and select VTRatio Test Card

5. Properly fill-up test settings:

6. Press I/O (test start/stop) push-button to start the test.

7. Save test card for printing.

7.1 For multi-tap core/s, create and save test card for each tap tested.

8. Note and record all necessary test parameters 9. Evaluate test result as per general standard ratings.

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