Capacitance Type Level Transmitter Material Selection Criteria & Design

This article is about Capacitance Type Level Transmitter Material Selection Criteria & Design For Level Measurement of Instrumentation and Control Systems as per International Codes and standards for Commercial Buildings, Plants and Refinery Projects.

Capacitance Type Level Transmitter Material Selection Criteria & Design

Material Receiving General Checklist for Instrumentation & Control

Purchase Order and Instrument specification sheet criteria shall be confirmed and compared with instrument stainless steel tags / labels and nameplates, and shipment checked for damage, prior to acceptance of the shipment
Verify that all the instruments are from technically acceptable manufacturer
Capacitance-type level instruments shall be considered only where
GWR, differential pressure, or displacer type level devices are not
suitable. Capacitance probes shall not be used in liquids that contain
entrained gas.

Capacitance probes shall not be used as primary emergency shut-down devices.
Automatic temperature compensation shall be provided in probe circuitry for liquids in which the dielectric constant changes as a function of temperature.

International Codes and Standards for Capacitance Type Level Transmitter

  1. Flow Nozzle Material Selection Criteria Design & Flow Measurement
  2. Venturi Tube Material Selection Criteria Design & Flow Measurement
  3. SAES-J-002 – Technically acceptable instruments, 23 June 2008.
  4. SAES-J-300 – Level, 27 Febraury 2007.

1. Attachment 1: Capacitance Type Level Transmitter Technically Acceptable Instruments – SAES-J-002

Capacitance Type Level Transmitter Technically Acceptable Instruments - SAES-J-002

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